Sunday, April 11, 2010

Basic Human Needs

What are basic human needs?

No really, what exactly does it mean?

Is it something that each and every human on this earth is entitled to?

Is it there rights?

Is it the fact that they will have shelter and food if ever they need it?

Sometimes it feels like some people might be getting more then others.

Sometimes it looks like people aren't getting anything.

Does a hug count as a basic human need.

What about an ear that will listen without critisism?

What happens when someone is sleeping on a street curb right next to where you used to skip carelessly into mudpuddles?

Do they get a warm meal? Or just cold, sharp, empty cans worth 5 cents?

How can we be sure that every person has what they need physically and mentally?

Is there a way to monitor people's actions and make them more generous?

How come some people don't care?

How come some people are just unlucky?

So I ask again. What, what are basic human needs?

What does everyone have the right to?

Besides mudpuddles and cans.

I Like To Think Of . . .

I like to think of Amelia Earhart when I’m not feeling confident, because she was fearless.
I like to think of Amelia Earhart, because she led the way for women all over the world.
I like to think of Amelia Earhart when I’m taking a test, because there’s no comparing us.
I like to think of Amelia Earhart, because she loved to read.
I like to think of Amelia Earhart, because she was patient with her younger sister.
I like to think of Amelia Earhart when I’m trying something new, because she was spirited above everything else.
I like to think of Amelia Earhart everyday, because she never let peoples opinions stand in her way.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Illiteracy Rates Around The World

1,250,000,000 people speak lesser known languages

774,000,000 adults around the world are illiterate in their native languages

2/3 of people who are illiterate are women

30,000,000 people over 16 can't read well enough to understand this post

20% of adults read at or below a fifth grade level

98% of people who are illiterate live in developing countries

43% of people with the lowest literacy skills live in poverty

$1 or even less then $1 a day what people earn living in extreme poverty

15% of children ages 6 –11 in developing countries do not attend school

9 - 14 year old kids spend 1% of their time reading

40% of fourth-graders read below grade level

1/2 of infants and toddlers are read to by their parents

$225,000,000,000 U.S. businesses losses a year in productivity because of illiteracy

$600 per capita income in countries with a literacy rate less than 55 percent, compared to $12,600 in countries with a literacy rate above 96 percent

60% of all state and federal corrections inmates can barely read and write

5th the United States ranking on adult literacy skills

80% of all prison inmates in Oregon are high school drop outs

$8, 460 per year the cost of each high school dropout in Oregon

1/2 of Oregon’s 10th graders aren't meeting in tests for reading, math and writing

2nd most crowded classrooms in the nation as of 2000 in Oregon’s elementary schools

$10,000 the cost to attend St. Mary’s for a year (with the highest scholorship)