Monday, April 5, 2010

Illiteracy Rates Around The World

1,250,000,000 people speak lesser known languages

774,000,000 adults around the world are illiterate in their native languages

2/3 of people who are illiterate are women

30,000,000 people over 16 can't read well enough to understand this post

20% of adults read at or below a fifth grade level

98% of people who are illiterate live in developing countries

43% of people with the lowest literacy skills live in poverty

$1 or even less then $1 a day what people earn living in extreme poverty

15% of children ages 6 –11 in developing countries do not attend school

9 - 14 year old kids spend 1% of their time reading

40% of fourth-graders read below grade level

1/2 of infants and toddlers are read to by their parents

$225,000,000,000 U.S. businesses losses a year in productivity because of illiteracy

$600 per capita income in countries with a literacy rate less than 55 percent, compared to $12,600 in countries with a literacy rate above 96 percent

60% of all state and federal corrections inmates can barely read and write

5th the United States ranking on adult literacy skills

80% of all prison inmates in Oregon are high school drop outs

$8, 460 per year the cost of each high school dropout in Oregon

1/2 of Oregon’s 10th graders aren't meeting in tests for reading, math and writing

2nd most crowded classrooms in the nation as of 2000 in Oregon’s elementary schools

$10,000 the cost to attend St. Mary’s for a year (with the highest scholorship)